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Hotels in Oslo

If you need accommodation in Oslo in connection with the race on 24 May 2025, we have reserved 40 rooms at Thon Hotel Spectrum, close to Oslo Central Station (and the 80km start)
This is a fixed price, you may find cheaper rooms if you are out in good time!
Hotel prices vary according to request, so the price we have received from Thon Hotel is therefore fixed.
Go to the booking link we have received and check if this is the best option you will find when searching for hotel room prices in Oslo.. Please note that our reservation of 40 rooms ends on 8 April! You pay directly to Thon Hotel.

We have also googled other cheap hotels: 

Overnatting Oslo: Fom 250 NOK per night.  But you´ll have to stay least 3 nights. It is a new concept in Oslo and quite popular. Business people, people on the move or commuting people often prefer this place because it is cheap, clean and has no more than what you need. You can also cook your own meal in your (tiny) room and wash your clothes in the basement. It is about 2km from the 80km start, and about 3 km from the finisher area. 

Citybox: Simple, clean and cheap. Central, close to the finisher area ( about 600 metres)